Friday, June 12, 2009

The power of thoughts and beliefs in weight loss

Is it possible to change the way your body metabolises food so that no matter what you eat or how much you eat, you do not gain weight? This is the question I am asking as I embark on writing my new book ELEPHANTS AND ANGELS: Eat Like an Elephant, Look Like an Angel - An enlightened weight loss approach. As I embark on this writing journey I cannot help but bring up all of my issues around food, from why do I eat when I eat, what do I eat, and how do I use food in my everyday life to fill voids in me, satisfy an insatiable need for more of something or just to feel good. As I write this tonight, I cannot help but feel as though perhaps it is not possible to eat whatever I want and not gain weight. Yet there are days where I know this is true - I eat all day long and don't gain weight.

The Angels say through my channellings that our thoughts and beliefs guide what our body does with food. That if we think we will gain weight we are directing our body to do just that - gain weight. If we think "this food will make me fat", then indeed it will. Our body is a self correcting, self healing mechanism. In it is the intelligence to know exactly how to keep us at an optimal weight. This weight is just right for us, and no matter what we eat or how much we eat, our body knows how to keep us at this weight. It is indeed our mind and will that forces this bodily intelligence to go out of kilter.

Science is now beginning to prove that the ability of our thoughts to change our reality is indeed very real. In his book The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge MD describes an experiment where it was shown that imagining using one's muscles actually strengthens them. In this study, one group was required to do finger exercises over a four week period and the other group was to merely imagine doing these exercies. The group that did the exercises increased their muscle strength by 30 percent, and the group that imagined doing the finger exercies strengthened their muscles by 22%. So knowing this about the brain why then could it not be a very real possibility that if you truly understood that you could eat whatever you wanted and not gain weight, that you could make this your reality. AND even train your body through your imagination to lose weight just as those in the above study trained their muscles. An interesting theory and one I will certainly ponder as I just go to finish my chocolate cake - KNOWING that I can eat whatever I want and stay thin forever!!! Hey, it's worth a try, don't you think?